The Strydoms

Author: The Strydoms

When the fast lane makes you hit reverse

“Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward.” (Erika Taylor) Us Strydoms have been living life in the fast lane. I like the fast lane. It’s exciting and, well, it’s fast. And I like fast. But life in the fast lane is demanding and leaves little time for others. In some ways, it’s helped that Sue has… Read more →

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Peru: Testing the Water

Water. How can something so basic be so valuable? And how can something so apparently abundant in some places of the world be so scarce in others? But this trip to Peru wasn’t about a lack of water. It was about a lack of clean water. Water that stimulates life rather than suffocates it. Water that’s free from bacteria and… Read more →

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Peru: ¡Bienvenido!

  I woke early after just a few hours of overly-exhausted sleep. Fifteen of us had flown into Lima, Peru the previous evening and had been picked up by our born-in-Peru-but-very-American host, Tom. We all bundled into a van and drove a short, chaotic distance to the SAM (South American Mission) House – a tardis-esque type home that’s squeezed between… Read more →

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