Peru: Testing the Water

Water. How can something so basic be so valuable? And how can something so apparently abundant in some places of the world be so scarce in others? But this trip to Peru wasn’t about a lack of water. It was about a lack of clean water. Water that stimulates life rather than suffocates it. Water that’s free from bacteria and… Read more →

Peru: ¡Bienvenido!

  I woke early after just a few hours of overly-exhausted sleep. Fifteen of us had flown into Lima, Peru the previous evening and had been picked up by our born-in-Peru-but-very-American host, Tom. We all bundled into a van and drove a short, chaotic distance to the SAM (South American Mission) House – a tardis-esque type home that’s squeezed between… Read more →

Why you might wanna be like Job

The other day, as Sue and I were chatting about our day, she shared a takeaway from her women’s Bible study… yes, I said women’s Bible study. Who’d have ever thunk?!! 😉 Anyway, back to my point. She said they were talking about Job and God’s sovereignty; how God was the one who brought Job to Satan’s attention. God did… Read more →

Confessions of a Control Freak Wife

It all started last week when Peet told me I wouldn’t be going in to work this Thursday since it’s my birthday. Apparently, he’s planned a little surprise. Now, don’t get me wrong – I love the fact that my hubby wants to do things like this for me. Love that. The thing that freaked me out was the fact… Read more →

Life’s Changing Landscape – Lessons from the Nepalese Earthquake

Two weeks on and as the death toll creeps devastatingly closer to the 8,000 mark, I’ve been thinking a lot about the earthquake in Nepal… and I realize that many of us experience our own personal earthquakes as we journey through life. Some receive a diagnosis of cancer. Some lose a loved one. Some find themselves running from the hands… Read more →

Downgraded Destiny

Throughout my life I’ve been taught, and have subsequently believed, that my destiny depended on me. “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” As a Christian, I know God has a plan for my life. My destiny. BUT… Somewhere along the line, I’ve come to believe that I can thwart this destiny. That I can ruin God’s master… Read more →